Interview Tips on How to Secure the Job As a Air Hostess
Millions of youngsters worldwide want to join airlines as cabin crew. Few will succeed and many will fail in the interview process. One...
Millions of youngsters worldwide want to join airlines as cabin crew. Few will succeed and many will fail in the interview process. One of the reasons for the failure is the lack of preparation.
This short article shares the tips based on the personal experience of an ex-cabin crew who had succeeded in the interview with an international airline.
The key to success is early preparation and positive mind set. After submitting the application and even though you are not sure whether you will be called for the interview, the preparation has to start. This is because, the gap of time between receiving the notification and the actual date of interview can be very short.
These are the tips she likes to share:
1. Resume: Getting a well written resume is the most important start as it the document that will be used to decide whether you will be called to attended the interview or not. A good resume will highlight your strong point and covers the important areas. If you feel that you need helps, then an investment in professional writer can make the different between getting a job or not.
2. Early preparation will enable you to research deeper into the relevant topics. It will also develop the confident in facing the interview panel. Start your reading on the company, its background, the top management, the vision and mission and the achievements of the company. Maintain a positive mindset all the way.
3. Build rapport with existing staff and find out more about the interview questions and the job. This can open up the channel to know the relevant person in the airline and understand the airline better.
4. Keep yourself updated on the current issues, both at the national level and the international level. Cabin crews are expected to maintain a certain level of knowledge on current issues to unable meaningful conversations with the passengers.
5. Ensure that your are computer literate. This is because cabin crew is part of the airline's absent workforce and the working documents and internal communication will be done through e-mail and portals.
6. Make sure you are early for the interview, If you are not very familiar with the location, it will be a good idea to survey the place before the interview day.
7. Be properly groomed and dressed for the occasion. Avoid wearing clothing that easily wrinkled. For a gentlemen, make sure your shoes are properly polished, and for girls, do not wear excessive accessories.
8. Travel light. Do not bring too many things with you. Suffice to have one handbag and a file for your resume and certificates.
9. This is especially important for the ladies, avoid wearing sexy dress and the perfume need not be too strong. Your hair should be neat and tidy.
10. Do not allow your negative emotion to interfere, keep your personnel problem to yourself and attend the interview with positive outlook.
11. Do not be overdone to show you skill and capability but at the same time do not be too modest about yourself.
12. At the closing and before you leave the seat, do not forget to give them your attractive smile and say "thank you".
It is suggested that you practice the interview with friends who are familiar recruitment exercise. You may have to brush up you presentation and public announcement skills.
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This short article shares the tips based on the personal experience of an ex-cabin crew who had succeeded in the interview with an international airline.
The key to success is early preparation and positive mind set. After submitting the application and even though you are not sure whether you will be called for the interview, the preparation has to start. This is because, the gap of time between receiving the notification and the actual date of interview can be very short.
These are the tips she likes to share:
1. Resume: Getting a well written resume is the most important start as it the document that will be used to decide whether you will be called to attended the interview or not. A good resume will highlight your strong point and covers the important areas. If you feel that you need helps, then an investment in professional writer can make the different between getting a job or not.
2. Early preparation will enable you to research deeper into the relevant topics. It will also develop the confident in facing the interview panel. Start your reading on the company, its background, the top management, the vision and mission and the achievements of the company. Maintain a positive mindset all the way.
3. Build rapport with existing staff and find out more about the interview questions and the job. This can open up the channel to know the relevant person in the airline and understand the airline better.
4. Keep yourself updated on the current issues, both at the national level and the international level. Cabin crews are expected to maintain a certain level of knowledge on current issues to unable meaningful conversations with the passengers.
5. Ensure that your are computer literate. This is because cabin crew is part of the airline's absent workforce and the working documents and internal communication will be done through e-mail and portals.
6. Make sure you are early for the interview, If you are not very familiar with the location, it will be a good idea to survey the place before the interview day.
7. Be properly groomed and dressed for the occasion. Avoid wearing clothing that easily wrinkled. For a gentlemen, make sure your shoes are properly polished, and for girls, do not wear excessive accessories.
8. Travel light. Do not bring too many things with you. Suffice to have one handbag and a file for your resume and certificates.
9. This is especially important for the ladies, avoid wearing sexy dress and the perfume need not be too strong. Your hair should be neat and tidy.
10. Do not allow your negative emotion to interfere, keep your personnel problem to yourself and attend the interview with positive outlook.
11. Do not be overdone to show you skill and capability but at the same time do not be too modest about yourself.
12. At the closing and before you leave the seat, do not forget to give them your attractive smile and say "thank you".
It is suggested that you practice the interview with friends who are familiar recruitment exercise. You may have to brush up you presentation and public announcement skills.